
The Divine Mother as Disciplinarian

Divine Mother has a many-sided nature. How she appears to us is only a reflection of our own state of consciousness. When we are in tune with Her, She is the blissful, loving Mother. When we are out of tune, She seems to be a strict disciplinarian. It isn’t that the Divine Mother wishes to discipline us. Suffering comes from separation from God. It is we who create that separation by our forgetfulness of God, by following our bad habits, by becoming too much involved in outer things or in our emotions and moods. Divine Mother never forsakes us; it is we who forsake Her. Then She seems like a stern disciplinarian, but only because we have severed our connection with the Source of all that is right and good.

So when Divine Mother seems to have vanished from our attention, to have escaped from the orbit of our consciousness, the trouble lies within us, not with Her…Divine Mother hides Herself not to punish us, but to encourage us to strive to lift up our consciousness to the divine realm where She exists. She wishes us to keep striving to improve ourselves.

–Sri Daya Mataji (Only Love, p251)

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