The Divine Darshan

Guru is not a person,
He is a world of divinity.
Guru is not a post or position,
Guru is himself Enlightenment.
When you find a Guru,
You are reborn.
His name is in every breath,
Only He resides in the heart.
These eyes may or may not see Him,
In the vision of the mind
He does not disappear for a moment,
No matter how many times
you get trapped in this Samsar,
The experience of Reality seldom does diminish
What if there is no conversation…
The lines of connection always exist,
These feelings of the heart and
the thoughts in the mind
Are always connected with the Guru.
No matter whatever you do or say,
He is beyond imagination,
That’s why even greatest of Gods
Have bowed their heads to the Guru.
You want to know the Guru,
You have to listen to Him and
You have to get to the bottom of Yourself,
Only then will the true form of the Guru
be revealed,
The divine darshan.

There is no difference between Truth and Guru
They both are aspects of a single flame of the lamp,
while the orange flame is The Truth,
The illumination is The Guru.

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