Seeing – A different outLOOK

  1. Always see anything and anyone with love, affection and compassion
  2. When you see, remember whatsoever you see is God.
  3. You loose60-70% of your energy while seeing. To save you energy, see with softness in your eyes. Remember your eye is a lotus. Seeing is like lotus blossoming.
  4. At all times (other than driving) your sight must not go beyond 5 feet. By repeating this, you will be able to see from within yourself. This might take months/years based on practice.
  5. The God has given eyes just to see him, enlightened one’s & fellow sekers. When you see them, your eyes will flower/blossom like a lotus.
  6. Normally seeing is believing. Hence do not allow your mind to come to conclusion once we see it. Always analyse and arrive at a conclusion.
  7. Abstain from seeing negative. In this context, whatsoever you consider as negative is  negative.

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