Birth place of Neminatha

The Birth place of Shri Neminatha, the 22nd thirthankara of jainism is situated in Shauripur which is 2km from Bateshwar and 48 km from Agra.

Neminatha was the paternal cousin of Shri Krishna.

In his birth place there is the ancient temple of Neminatha with a rock pillar and a small engraved statue of Neminatha which is more than 5000 years old.

Within the same temple complex there is the shrine of lord Mahavir.

Adjacent to the Neminatha temple, there is also the swetambar temple.

There is also a paduka temple of Shri Neminatha which also hosts 4 samadhis of jain munis..

Experience: All experiences written below happened by the grace of our Guruji. Without it i could not have experienced a shadow of the experiences.

The space was very very ancient it started from bhakti sure itself after a particular order i knew that i was entering the birthplace of neminatha. on entering the temple i closed my eyes before shri neminatha  and communicated from the heart that i am a disciple of Guruji Sundar and it is because of him that i am here before you…. initially the temple was very ordinary but after a few minutes it certainly sprang to life. All the statues became intensely alive and i was the only one sitting in the temple. at that time after seeing such changes in the space chose to close my eyes. On closing my eyes, could feel a shadow like person walking towards me in astral body and blessing me. I knew for sure that it was Shri Neminatha himself.

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