do not be afraid to make decisions (by daya mata)


Do not be afraid to make decisions. Some people are so timid about deciding that they never act with resolve and determination. Indecisiveness is a great blight on the character. It is really much better to make some decision than to take no action at all; because even if you decide wrongly, you will learn by it and will have gained mental strength by trying. If you remain passive, the only thing you will learn is that you are a powerless victim of circumstances. Instead, have the courage to face your challenges with decisiveness.

There is no need to be overly worried if you make a mistake. Do not punish yourself; instead, recognize you have erred and correct it. Learn from it, and go on. Always remember, the moment you begin a sincere search for God, you can know for certain that He is not going to fail you. So, when faced with a decision: Pray; try to feel inner attunement. If you don’t feel it, meditate for a few moments, or as much time as you have available. From that center of calmness, then make your decision. Do not wait for some tremendous message to come to you written in lightening!

-Sri Daya Mataji (Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life’s Decisions)

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