Guruji Sundar alias Guruji Sundaramurthy Swamigal – A Living enlightened master


  • Guruji at Gangotri
    Guruji At Gangotri

Guruji started meditation at the age of 21. For 3 years he immersed himself completely in to meditation. After 3 years he got a job in a Financial Institution. However even the work did not deter his whole hearted sadhana towards truth. His intense meditation continued. After seven years of seeking and searching, he burned himself completely in sadhana and realised the Real “I” or Aathman.


During his initial years as a sadhaka, our Guruji found it difficult to find a place that is condusive formeditation. The temples are normally closed during day time and are open only during early mornings and late evenings. During mornings and evenings our Guruji used to meditate in temples. He used to wait at the temple gates for the temple to be opened and will come out of the temple only at the closing time of the temple. During the day time our Guru used to travel in local trains from the starting station till the ending station back and forth and meditate there silently unnoticed. Such was his quest towards truth. Our guru used to quote an example. A rocket can escape the force of gravitation only when it travels at escape velocity. Similarly a seeker can reach the truth only if he has a similar kind of urge, velocity. Thus, the local train was his day time temple.


During his quest for truth, He obtained darshan from some of the living masters like Koti Swami, Mayamma and Kanchi Maha periyavaa.


During his initial years as a sadhaka, Guruji used to visit Kanchipuram Kamakshi Amman Temple. He also used to go for darshan of Kanchi Maha Periyava. On a particular day, when Guruji stood in queue for darshan and when his turn came to pay obeisance toward the saint, the saint also brought his hands together as if he was saying “vanakkam”. For the rest of the people, he raised his hands to bless them. Our Guruji was startled as to why he did this act. So he stood in line for the second time and deja vu. Again the same thing happened. When he stood for the third time in line again the same happened. Our Guruji did not understand at that point in time but later when he became enlightened he understood that it was a salute from an enlightened master to a future enlightened master!!!

Guruji’s Experience with Mayamma

Our Guruji went to Salem for darshan of Mayamma who was living there at that time. When Guruji went to Sri Mayamma’s home, there were a lot of people in queue waiting for darshan. Seeing the queue, Guruji along with his fellow seekers waited outside the home. Guruji sat outside the home waiting for Mayamma’s darshan. He closed his eyes and the moment he closed his eyes, all his doors were closed and he settled in emptiness automatically. At this moment, Guruji understood that the blessing of Mayamma had reached him and he soon will be called by her. So, it happened. The attendant came and called Guruji. Then Guruji had a darshan of Mayamma along with his fellow seekers.


  • Guruji at Siddhi ValahamGuruji at Siddhi Valaham
    Guruji At Siddhi Valaham

During the course of his quest for truth he chanced to stumble across a great secret.Normally temples are considered to be places with good positive vibe and generally it is good to meditate in temples.This is a basic fact known by all seekers. However, this is just the beginning. There are several secrets hidden.One great secret is that ancient temples actually contain the samadhis of several great masters.Though the masters are in their samadhi state, still out of their compassion they show the way to seekers. Stumbling on this secret completely multiplied his spiritual progress to an unimaginable level.
Thus, Guruji started to perform sadhana in several ancient temples and Jeeva Samadhi temples. During his sadhana he received indirect help from several masters whilst meditating in their samadhi shrines. The masters who were instrumental in the spiritual growth of Guru were Gurulinga Swamigal, Narayana Theertha Swamigal and Arutprakasa Vallalar.


When Guruji went to obtain darshan and blessings from vallimalai murugan temple, he went along with fellow seekers. The temple was situated at the top of the vallimalai hill. At the hill entrance, there were several beggers asking for alms. Our Guruji stated that one of them who was alone, had an a very different and unusual pair of eyes. Eyes are the index of the soul. As soon as our Guruji looked at that person, he looked as if who is that much spiritually evolved to look at the inner being. Then, There was a sudden communion and non verbal interaction between that person and the Guruji and his eyes also acknowledged something.
Then when the other seekers, gave money to that person that person was laughing. His laugh was as if “Who is putting alms to Who”. In other words he laughed as if an emperor is receiving alms from a begger.


Our Guruji has stated the first experience of tasting the truth is like pulling the earth underneath the feet. It shocks the being to its very grassroots and going in it is like crossing the point of no return. Many sadhakas go up to that stage and out of fear they go back.
Guruji has stated that there will be several experiences and indications happening when a seeker moves towards truth.

When Our Guruji started moving closer towards truth he had several indications like he will forget his own name.

He will forget how he will look viz…he will forget his face. Normally a person cannot forget his own face. That happens only if every identification is being erased. There will be a constant fear lurking in the mind when a person is moving towards the unknown. At this point a seeker needs total trust and courage, because this is the point at which a person might go mad if he tries to step back. Our Guruji used to say that, he used to feel that he is present when his he is with his family. But when he is alone in a room, there will be no body present including himself. Only there will be a physical presence. Everything else will be absent. At this kind of a maddening state, his marriage helped him find a kind of strong base that helped him towards enlightenment.
His first experience of enlightenment happened during the year 1993. Thereafter the flower called as Guruji Sundar started to blossom completely. This was the dawn of one of the greatest saints of the 21st century.


Since then Guruji has been guiding all seekers of truth. He has devised a lot of new meditation techniques for the current generation. He has created a new course A-CUBE, which takes a seeker to the highest levels of consciousness. Guruji in the meanwhile has visited temples and places of pilgrimage all over the country and has spread the awareness of meditation. Guruji has also been stressing the importance of Jeeva Samadhis and the inner secrets that exist in these timeless momuments that need to be revered and preserved. Guruji renovated and consecrated six jeeva samadhi shrines namely Mahan Sir Gurulinga Swamigal, Mahan Sri Thadikara Swamigal, Mahan Sri Kulandaivel Swamigal, Mahan Sri Sanyasi Subedar Swamigal, Mahan Sri Gangadhara Navalar Swamigal and Mahan Sri Niradhisaiananda Swamigal in Chennai.
Guruji out of his outbound compassion started Aathman Awareness Centre during 2002 for the purpose of teaching meditation to seekers in all walks of life.

His aim is to make as many flowerings flower as possible in the garden of humanity. He has created the unique course Awareness About Aathman, which gives any seeker the first glimpse of the true self viz., the first phase of enlightenment.



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