Guru Bhakthi – Spiritual Story

One of the famous stories of Guru and Disciple from our Indian Myth is that of Aruni and Sage Dhoumya

Once upon a time, there was a Aashram ( residential school) of Dhaumya Rushi (Sage). Many disciples were taking education there. Aruni was one of them. Once it started raining very heavily. There was a stream adjacent to the farm owned by Aashram. In order to prevent water from stream entering in to farm, an earthen barrier was built on the stream. But due to force of water, the soil on the barrier started to slide, and cracks appeared in the barrier. Hence Gurudev told few disciples, “Block the water and prevent it from entering in the farm.”

Aruni and few disciples came near the barrier. They tried their best to repair the cracks in the barrier; but due to force of water their efforts proved unsuccessful. The small part in the middle of the barrier started to breach, and water started seeping in the farm. It was late in night. Since all their efforts proved unsuccessful, all disciples returned to Aashram. As all were very tired due to above efforts, they went to sound sleep.


The rain stopped in the morning. Then the disciples found that Aruni was missing. They searched for him all over the Aashram; then went to Gurudev and said “Aruni is no where to be found.” Gurudev said “Let us search him in the farm.” Dhaumya Rushi and all the disciples went to the farm. To their surprise, they found Aruni himself lying flat on the breach in the barrier to prevent water from coming in. Everybody was very much surprised at this sight. Everyone felt sense of love for Aruni, who was lying on breach whole night without taking his food. Water had receded some time ago; but Aruni was still sleeping there. They awoke him. Gurudev took Aruni near him and patted his head lovingly. All disciples were tearful at this sight.


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